A topic that comes up time and time again is the subject of accuracy. If I had a £1 for every time someone has approached me a comment along the lines of, ‘my brother has a mate who met a bloke down the pub who says these things aren’t accurate” I’d be very rich now.
But the truth about weighbridge accuracy is somewhat different.
It’s not unusual to find a variation between weighbridges;
if one weighbridge is working at +20kg and another is working at -20kg, that’s
a 40kg difference and yet both could be weighing within specification.
The dynamic axle weighbridges we produce can be installed to
an accuracy of 0.25%, good enough to allow them to be offered as a Public
Weighbridge and the best accuracy in the world from an axle weighbridge.
What many people don’t realise is that after initial
calibration, there is no legal requirement to have any weighbridge calibrated ever
again unless there is a major fault. In reality it’s just simple good practice
to have your weighbridge calibrated regularly; once every two years ought to be
Public weighbridges will often be tested by Trading
Standards without notice but many go some considerable time between tests.
I know we have a few customers who won’t spend the money on
a calibration and as long as the display keep showing numbers, they’re happy
and assuming the weights are right. If they are then there’s no problem but if
they’re not then someone is going to notice and spread the word about ‘these
things not being accurate’.
Axle Weigher under test using our unique calibration vehicle |
The VOSA network of enforcement axle weighbridges aren’t
treated the same way. We have to test them rigorously every six months
including checking that the concrete approach levels are still within
tolerance. A VOSA weighbridge cannot be used for prosecution if its calibration
certificate has expired and each calibration certificate lasts a maximum of six
months. So if you are weighed on a VOSA dynamic axle weighbridge you can be
sure it has been well maintained, regularly calibrated and highly accurate.
Even so, the weighbridges are operated with a tolerance
allowing hauliers some leeway.
That’s not to say you’re allowed to run above the legal axle
limit. Even small overloads if they are consistently found will be prosecuted
but the tolerance allows a margin for error in the event of an inadvertent overload.
Incidentally, we operate the only weighbridge test vehicle
purpose designed for calibrating axle weighbridges. And as well as calibrating
the VOSA network we use it for installing every single system we install and
can hire it out to anyone who needs to check their axle weigher.
Accuracy is basically all down to good practice and routine
maintenance. You’d do it with your trucks so why not the weighbridge?