Thursday, 18 June 2015

I don't know how we managed without it.

We’ve heard that not once but twice from two separate, totally unrelated customers this week.

They were both referring to the dynamic axle weighbridges we had recently installed for them and, more importantly the cost benefits they had achieved.

Both of these customers had been using local weighbridges and had thought that the investment in their own axle weighing system would be hard to justify. But with the need for accurate axle weights growing and their local Public Weighbridges only capable of providing gross weights, both customers decided to take the plunge.

And now they have reduced their ongoing costs and added to their bottom line.

The cost for using a Public Weighbridge can be quite high, we heard of someone charging £24 per vehicle recently, and if you have to weigh several vehicles a day or, in the case of a body builder, maybe several times during the build process, the costs soon mount up.

The Axtec Axle Weighbridge Saving Time & Money
Often the total cost in weighbridge fees isn’t noticed until a whole month or years worth are added up together. That alone can be quite an eye opener but there are all sorts of other hidden costs too.

Finding a driver with an hour or more to spare every time a vehicle needs to be weighed isn’t always easy and he’s being paid whilst doing nothing very productive. What happens if he gets to the local weighbridge and it’s being serviced? Time wasted and yet your vehicle still needs to be weighed.

Wear and tear on the vehicle and fuel are further hidden costs that sometimes don’t get taken into account but all add up.

When the costs of not having your own axle weighbridge are all added up then the justification to install one is quite an easy decision to make.

But it’s not just the cost it’s the convenience. Public Weighbridges are often closed when hauliers or bodybuilders need to use them. Where do you go to weigh your vehicle when you’re working on that rush job over the weekend or late at night?  And the service can be withdrawn at any time as has happened with so many local authority owned ones in recent years.

No such problems now for the two customers mentioned earlier. They have their own facility on their doorstep available 24/7.

Like they said, how did they manage without it?