Friday, 25 January 2019

There's more than one way to protect against overloads.

In a meeting with a client last week, it was interesting to note how much they had to do to ensure compliance.

And we were approached to help resolve any overloading issues.

The ideal solution would be to fit Axtec OnBoard to all their vans. Axtec OnBoard shows front, rear and gross weights permanently on a simple graphical and numeric colour display. And drivers do not have to remember their legal weights as the system does it for them.

Legal weights are shown in green, anything over 80% is shown in amber and overloads are automatically highlighted in flashing red.

But with the whole fleet 100% on short term hire that might not be the most cost effective solution at the moment.

But doing nothing is not an option and fortunately there is  more than one axle weighing system to solve a potential overloading problem.
Axtec Static Single-Axle Weighbridge

The vans should be fitted out with specific racking and a specific toolkit. In theory, no chance of being overloaded. But keeping a check on those vehicle weights is vital.

A good option is to introduce a program of spot checks and the Axtec Static Single-Axle Weighbridge offers a solution.

Using the same frame, beam and load cells as the dynamic systems used for enforcement, the Static Single is purpose designed for operators of 2-axle rigid vehicles.

Simple to use – instructions and weights are shown to the driver in his seat on a large display – and designed for a long life, drivers and management would be able to check that vehicles are not overloaded every time they leave the depot.

Quickly, simply and accurately.

Axtec offer the widest range of axle weighing systems available from one company and we always offer best advice for any overloading issue.

And the Axtec Static-Single provides a great solution in the right circumstances.