Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Sometimes the customer doesn't always know best.

Sometimes the customer doesn't always know best.

Last year I went to see a customer in the midlands who is running a mixed fleet of vehicles but whose prime concern was the front axle overloads on 3-axle rigids on multi-drop work.

I've come across this type of application before and the most cost effective solution is an OnBoard Load Indicator like the one pictured. It's fitted to the vehicle and shows axle and gross weights all the time the driver is out on the road.

Despite me explaining that this was the correct solution for the job, the customer insisted that he wanted an axle weighbridge 'like the ones VOSA use'. Well, we supply those systems to VOSA but they aren't always the right machine for the job.

We spent a long time finding a suitable location to install a system in the customers yard including three visits by two men to do levels surveys. But it wasn't an easy installation for an axle weighbridge and the cost rose.

Until the customer himself asked, 'I don't suppose you make anything that fits to the vehicle do you?' I had to concentrate very hard not to point out that I'd recommended that option a year ago!

Anyway, quotation done on Friday and an order received today for 13 vehicles. A much cheaper and better solution than the axle weighbridge.

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